Tuesday, December 1, 2009

2009-2010 TSS Blog: Roles and Responsibilities of Mentoring

2009-2010 TSS Blog: Roles and Responsibilities of Mentoring
One thing I will discuss with my mentee is organization. Being well organized is essential to avoiding many stressful situations.
I want to provide encouragement and support, and help her to focus on why she chose to be a teacher.


  1. The advice I would give to my mentee is to be flexible, stay organized, always have a plan in place along with a backup plan, and to ask questions when needed. I have learned that no matter how much you plan things do not always go according to your plans. That it is why it would be so important to share with my mentee strategies on how to be flexible. In addition, showing him/her strategies on how to stay organized would be beneficial. If students see that the teacher is organized and not prepared for instruction, they will recognize that and it could cause chaos within the classroom. The last advice of asking questions would be very important. Some new teachers shy away from asking questions, with the feeling that the question may not be important. I would share with my mentee that asking questions only make you become more effective as a teacher.

  2. The one thing I wish someone would have told me when I started teaching is that it is ok to make mistakes, and that’s the first thing I would tell my mentee. When I think back to the days when I was in school. I always thought my teachers were perfect. They could absolutely do no wrong, and they were knowledgeable about everything. They had to, or else why would anyone trust them to teach their children. So when I became a teacher, those thoughts were part of my schema, and I almost killed myself try to do anything and everything. All I can say is that it was a long year, and I wish I had someone to come and pat me on the back and say, “calm down”, “it’s ok”, “you’re doing a good job”, and “the kids are going to learn in spite of you.” That would have save me from some major headaches.
